Project Identification and Design
For bridging the gap between local needs and solutions,
we identify the local needs by applying bottom-up approach and design development projects with optimal solutions. We listen to the needs and voices of the vulnerable groups and contribute to building integrated and harmonized social, economic and environmental system.
▪Project identification and Formulation (PIF)
▪Problem and solution analysis
▪Logical Framework building
Featured projects
▪ Ethiopia Frequency Regulation ESS Integrated System Support (2021, KIAT)
▪ Formation of a project to support the improvement of livestock product safety in Laos (2020, KOICA)
▪ Detailed Planning for the Project "Establishment of Automotive Parts Technology Center and Pilot Supply
in Paraguay" (2020, KIAT)
▪ Joint Technical Assistance of Pollution Management in Myanmar (2018, KEITI)
Feasibility Study and
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA)
For bridging the gap between sectors,
we conduct in-depth feasibility study in multi-sectors considering complicity of international development projects. We also organize overall multidisciplinary process for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and conduct comprehensive Social Impacts Assessment(SIA).
Featured projects
▪ Economic & financial feasibility study for “Digital Twin and 3D Cadaster for Multi-space Property Registration in Jakarta” (2023, LX)
▪ Feasibility Study on the project for improving disaster management governance capacity in Cambodia by using integrated meteorological solution based on Geostationary-satellite (2021, KMI)
• Establishment of ESMPs for projects in energy sector
• Establishment of ESMPS for projects in industrial(automotive) sector
Performance Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting
For bridging the gap between players in the project,
we set logical framework, measure and manage the data coming from the project. We also promote the outcomes and results by various means of Public Relations (PR) for direct and indirect stakeholders.
Measurement and Monitoring
▪ Baseline study
▪ End-line study
▪ Measurement of indicators
▪ Participatory monitoring
▪ Reporting framework design
▪ Development of PR Plan
▪ Collection of data
▪ Production of PR materials
Featured projects
▪Youth Empowerment Project for Agricultural Development in Uganda (2022-2026, KOICA)
▪Construction of Frequency Regulation System with Battery ESS Package in Senegal (2020 – 2023, KIAT)
▪Construction of Hybrid Power Plant in Meta, Colombia (2020-2023, KIAT)
▪ Green Energy Island Project in Guanaja, Bay Islands, Honduras (2021 ~ 2024)
• 2022 Performance management services for public-private partnership projects in the field of disability and
union capacity building (2022-2025, KOICA)
Project Resource and Risk Management
For bridging the gap between expectation and reality,
we realize the project in the field by efficiently managing resources and risks closely for proactive responses.
▪ Integrated project management
▪ Implementation study
▪ Establishment of communication channel
▪ Time and budget management
▪ Stakeholder management
Featured projects
▪ Strengthening Capacity for youth Agribusiness Development in Uganda (SCADU) (2022-2027, KOICA)
▪ Vietnam Railway(Track) Safety Enhancement Capacity Building (2022-2024, KIAT)
▪ Post support PM service for the construction project of the Ivorian-Korean Sports, Culture and
ICT Center Alassane OUATTARA in Côte d´Ivoire (2021-2022, KOICA)
▪ Project for Supporting Improvement and Supply of Emission Gas Reduction Device for
Old Diesel Commercial Vehicle in Colombia (2020-2023, KIAT)
Evaluation and Research
Featured projects
▪ 2023 Self-assessment of the industrial and energy sector ODA projects (2023, KIAT)
▪ 2022 Self-assessment of the industrial and energy sector ODA projects (2022, KIAT)
▪End-project evaluation and interim evaluation for three land and transportation projects (2021, ICAK)
▪ Integrated project evaluations for three agricultural projects in Saint-Louis, Senegal (2019, KOICA)
▪ KOICA Meta-evaluation for the ODA projects in Renewable Energy Sector (2018 , KOICA)
Transaction for sustainability
Development cooperation projects must be linked to a sustainable future.
We expect that even after the end of the development cooperation project, the results of the project will be sustainable and lead to greater influence.
To this end, we find potential transactions related to the project Identification.
· Transaction of project outputs between domestic regions and between countries
· Production and Maintenance technology transaction
· Stabilizing quality control (QC)